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SENSE e-News
Research School for Socio-Economic and
Natural Sciences of the Environment
SENSE e-News
    Newsletter January
08 January 2015
Table of contents
Interview with SENSE citizen scientist Arnold van Vliet: A biologist with a mission ››
Kamermotie naar aanleiding van onderzoek SENSE groep Natuurbeheer en Plantenecologie (WU) ››
Upcoming PhD Graduations
Overview of PhD graduations upcoming month ››
Upcoming Courses
SENSE A1 Course, 18-20 March ››
Principles of Ecological Genomics, 8-10 April ››
New SENSE Writing Week ahead: 13-17 April! ››
Land Dynamics - Getting to the bottom of Mount Kenya; Studying landscape dynamics and sustainable development in an interdisciplinary setting, 26 April - 9 May ››
REMINDER: SENSE course Grasping Sustainability, 10-13 March ››
REMINDER: IIASA Young Scientists Summer Programme, application deadline 12 January ››
Overview of PhD / postdoc courses January-March ››
Overview of recently announced PhD / postdoc courses ››
Discussion Groups
WEES Seminar Kevin Foster: The evolution of cooperation and competition in microbes ››
Upcoming Events
SENSE Symposium Carbon-Climate Interactions: from Science to Policy, 12 January ››
Symposium Making Science Work for Sustainability, 13 January ››
Overview of upcoming events ››
Rathenau Institute reports: PhDs weakly prepared for the future ››
Promotiefabriek - blog by SENSE professor Nico van Straalen (former General Director of SENSE) ››
PhD Candidates for Improved Product Environmental Footprints, Radboud University Nijmegen, Environmental Science, deadline 15 February ››
Assistant/Associate Professor, Arthur Kroeger College (Global and International Studies), Faculty of Public Affairs at Carleton University, deadline 15 January ››
Future Earth hub directors USA, Canada, France, Sweden, Japan, deadlines January/February ››
SENSE headlines
Interview with SENSE citizen scientist Arnold van Vliet: A biologist with a mission
SENSE A1 Course, 18-20 March
New SENSE Writing Week ahead: 13-17 April!
Land Dynamics - Getting to the bottom of Mount Kenya; Studying landscape dynamics and sustainable development in an interdisciplinary setting, 26 April - 9 May
Rathenau Institute reports: PhDs weakly prepared for the future
We wish all of you an insightful, rewarding and healthy New Year!

After the intense 2014 with the successful peer review, we are starting a brand new year, full of thought and plans to further improve the performance of the SENSE network. Many of our initiatives are currently being prepared. We will communicate about them in later this year.

Already there is a lot ahead: graduations, symposia, new courses, etc. You can read more about them in this e-News.
Interview with SENSE citizen scientist Arnold van Vliet: A biologist with a mission
The Wageningen UR journal "Resource" published a long interview with SENSE member "Mister citizen science" Arnold van Vliet. "In a portrait of Wageningen’s most famous biologist Arnold van Vliet you will expect some talk of nature. An even more inevitable topic is impact. Science for impact and the mission to make a difference."
Kamermotie naar aanleiding van onderzoek SENSE groep Natuurbeheer en Plantenecologie (WU)
Op 3 december debatteerde de Tweede Kamer over het klimaatbeleid, naar aanleiding van de recente IPCC-rapportage. Daarbij kwam een publicatie aan de orde van de SENSE leden Ake Nauta, Monique Heijmans et al (Natuurbeheer en Plantenecologie, WU) over de gevolgen van menselijke activiteiten in het poolgebied. Dit onderzoek was aanleiding voor een motie van de PvdD en de SP.
Upcoming PhD Graduations
Overview of PhD graduations upcoming month
  • Shruthi Chalapathi
    Towards improving gully erosion assessment: coupling object-based image analysis and spatially dynamic erosion modelling
    14 January 2015, University of Twente, Earth Systems Analysis 

  • Michael Visser
    One-carbon metabolism in acetogenic and sulfate-reducing bacteria
    14 January 2015, Wageningen University, Microbiology

  • Heyddy Calderon
    Surface and subsurface runoff generation processes in a poorly gauged tropical coastal catchment. A study from Nicaragua
    16 January 2015, UNESCO Institute for Water Education, Hydrology and Water Resources 

  • Daniëlle van Dinther
    Measuring crosswind using scintillometry’
    16 January 2015, Wageningen University, Meteorology and Air Quality 

  • Alexander van Oudenhoven
    Quantifying the effects of management on ecosystem services
    21 January 2015, Wageningen University, Environmental Systems Analysis

  • Yenesew Mengiste Yihun
    Agricultural water productivity optimization for irrigated teff (eragrostic tef) in a water scarce semi-arid region of Ethiopia
    22 January 2015, UNESCO Institute for Water Education, Land and water development and Wageningen University, Water Resourse Management 

  • Zeleke Agide Dejen
    Hydraulic and operational performance of irrigation schemes in view of water saving and sustainability: Sugar estates and community managed schemes in Ethiopia
    22 January 2015, UNESCO Institute for Water Education, Land and water development and Wageningen University, Water Resources Management 

  • Marjolein Mens
    System Robustness Analysis in Support of Flood and Drought Risk Management
    29 January 2015, University of Twente, Water Engineering & Management

  • Brenden Jongman
    Unravelling the drivers of flood risk across spatial scales
    3 February 2015, VU University Amsterdam, Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) 

  • Natasa Georgantzopoulou
    Effects of silver nanoparticles and ions and interaction with first line of defense
    6 February 2015, Wageningen University, Environmental Technology 

  • Anneke van de Boer
    Atmospheric turbulence over crops. Confronting theories with observations
    6 February 2015, Wageningen University, Meteorology and Air Quality    

More upcoming graduations ››
Upcoming Courses
SENSE A1 Course, 18-20 March
In the SENSE course 'Environmental Research in Context' several perspectives and approaches to analyse and to solve environmental problems are discussed. You will find out how your own research project fits within other (multi-) disciplinary approaches and you will discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of your approach compared to these alternatives. 
Read more and register ››
Principles of Ecological Genomics, 8-10 April
Ecological genomics is a new scientific discipline, which studies ecological complexity, nutrient cycles, life-history patterns and responses of organisms to environmental stress at the genomic level. Analysis of environmental genomes will improve our understanding of ecosystem functions and biodiversity and may help to define and measure environmental quality. This course is intended for those just embarking on genomics within an ecological setting and teaches the fundamentals of the discipline, while concentrating on ecological questions. The course will focus on three topics, each of which is treated by introductory lectures, assignments, case studies and student presentations.
Read more and register ››
New SENSE Writing Week ahead: 13-17 April!
We are happy to announce a new SENSE Writing Week will be organised this spring.
The SENSE Writing Week is a week for and by SENSE PhD candidates to fully concentrate on writing an article without the distraction of every day practice in a comfortable environment, with other PhD students and an English writing coach for motivation, feedback and social contacts.

The last practicalities currently being arranged, you can already register for this popular course!
Read more and register ››
Land Dynamics - Getting to the bottom of Mount Kenya; Studying landscape dynamics and sustainable development in an interdisciplinary setting, 26 April - 9 May
Under the influence of many interwoven natural and anthropogenic processes, the landscape is continually changing. The complexity of these landscape dynamics cannot be understood from a mono-disciplinary perspective. It requires an approach in which physical, environmental, and socio-economic domains are involved in an interdisciplinary way. In this course, participants will be working with inter- as well as trans-disciplinary (including stakeholders) approaches to study the complex issues related to the dynamics of the landscape and the development of sustainable systems. The course will focus on past, present, and future trajectories of landscape dynamics and developments using the slopes of Mount Kenya as a case study.
REMINDER: SENSE course Grasping Sustainability, 10-13 March
A SENSE course to explore and understand sustainability, its history, the different concepts, objectives and methodologies for analysis and quantification.

To date, many different scientific concepts and approaches of environmental sustainability exist. What are the differences? What do they entail? How can you use them in your own research?

This course will enable you to grasp sustainability and to apply concepts and approaches for analysis and quantification to your own research.
Read more and register ››
REMINDER: IIASA Young Scientists Summer Programme, application deadline 12 January
Since 1977, IIASA’s annual 3-month Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) offers research opportunities to talented young researchers whose interests correspond with IIASA’s ongoing research on issues of global environmental, economic and social change. From June through August accepted participants work within the Institute’s research programs under the guidance of IIASA scientific staff. Funding is provided through IIASA's National Member Organizations.
Read more and register ››
Overview of PhD / postdoc courses January-March
Overview of recently announced PhD / postdoc courses
More upcoming courses ››
Discussion Groups
WEES Seminar Kevin Foster: The evolution of cooperation and competition in microbes
WEES is an initiative from PhD students and postdocs at Wageningen University to organize a continuing series of stimulating seminars on contemporary topics in evolution and ecology. We aim to bring together different groups at Wageningen University using a variety of systems, but with a common interest in evolutionary and ecological questions. For this series we invite researchers from all over the world that have leading roles in their field. After the talk there will be drinks for an informal discussion and a dinner in town with the speaker.

Kevin Foster is Professor of Evolutionary Biology at the University of Oxford, UK. Kevin's main focus of research is the social lives of microbes and other group-living species.
Upcoming Events
SENSE Symposium Carbon-Climate Interactions: from Science to Policy, 12 January
The carbon cycle and the climate system are interconnected and changes in one affect the other through multiple feedback processes. Until recently, the models describing the two systems were usually separated, with global annual mean CO2 concentrations specified into the climate models, while only crucial atmospheric and oceanic processes were included in the carbon cycle ones. With the progress in the understanding in both compartments and the continuous development of better Earth System models, however, it was inevitable that they would eventually merge.
Symposium Making Science Work for Sustainability, 13 January
Today, society and science are at a crossroads. Moving to a more sustainable development pattern in society demands a deep understanding of our natural, industrial and social systems, to bring together knowledge from all facets of life.

The Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development fosters new interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary science to identify sustainable and innovative pathways for and with our society. The symposium highlights three approaches; ranging from understanding and mitigating the impact of global change on ecosystems, to integrating sustainable energy in our daily life, and designing interactive science with society and business.
Overview of upcoming events
Recently announced:
Full list of interesting upcoming events:
See SENSE website ››
Rathenau Institute reports: PhDs weakly prepared for the future
PCDI has observed it for years and now it is confirmed with numbers. In 'Promoveren in Nederland' (in Dutch) the Rathenau Institute reports how little informed PhDs are on their career possibilities outside academia. Time is usually absorbed by fulfilling the demand for scientific output and consequently, their focus is narrow. Those who have to continue their career outside academic research are hardly prepared for a plan B.

The Rathenau Institute underlines that PhDs have to take their blinders off and calls supervisors at universities to facilitate PhDs in their broad development. This reports shows that it is justified and necessary to spend time preparing for your next career step. Maybe a good read for your supervisor as well?
Promotiefabriek - blog by SENSE professor Nico van Straalen (former General Director of SENSE)
‘De promotiefabriek heeft haar langste tijd gehad’, kopte de Volkskrant. In het kader van de Wetenschapsvisie 2025 gaat het kabinet de vergoeding voor promoties verlagen. Ik schrok want ik ben zelf een typische exponent van de “promotiefabriek”. Vorige week heb ik mijn 61ste jonge doctor afgeleverd, en echt niet omdat er een bonus op staat, maar gewoon omdat het promoveren een ijzersterke formule is.

Het promotietraject werkt zo goed omdat het aan alle kanten voordelen heeft. Je werkt met je promovendus aan een project met een beperkte looptijd. Er zit een voorzienbaar eind aan, waardoor je gestimuleerd wordt om alles eruit te halen. Aan het eind heb je concrete producten: een serie publicaties en een boekje. De verdediging met alle poespas erom heen is een memorabel moment voor de promovendus en zijn familie. En de maatschappij krijgt meer hoger opgeleiden. Wat is er mis dit systeem?
Read the whole blog (in Dutch) ››
PhD Candidates for Improved Product Environmental Footprints, Radboud University Nijmegen, Environmental Science, deadline 15 February
Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands and Unilever, a multinational company specializing in fast moving consumer products, offer a programme of training in the field of environmental footprinting research. The primary aim is to train five early stage researchers while conducting an internationally competitive research project.
Assistant/Associate Professor, Arthur Kroeger College (Global and International Studies), Faculty of Public Affairs at Carleton University, deadline 15 January
The successful candidates will be expected to research, teach and supervise students in the field of global and international studies. Candidates may be from any relevant disciplinary background, but must be fully committed in their teaching and research to a multi-disciplinary approach to this field. The Associate Professor, in particular, will also be expected to provide leadership in the establishment and growth of Carleton University’s new Bachelor of Global and International Studies.
Future Earth hub directors USA, Canada, France, Sweden, Japan, deadlines January/February
Directors will engage various stakeholders in strategic dialogues with research communities to both understand and find solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems, based on the best available knowledge. Directors will ensure that Future Earth integrates this knowledge, based on research performed with integrity from different disciplines in a process of collaboration and co-design.

This newsletter is published by the
SENSE Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment.

If you have information that you would like to see included in the next SENSE e-News,
please use our contact form.