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SENSE e-News
Research School for Socio-Economic and
Natural Sciences of the Environment
SENSE e-News
    Newsletter September 2019
10 September 2019
Table of contents
SENSE symposium: 'Innovative research techniques in Environmental Sciences', 11 October 2019 
Upcoming PhD Graduations
Overview of PhD graduations upcoming period ››
Upcoming courses and discussion groups
R and Big Data, 26 - 27 September 2019 ››
Advanced Short Course on "Where there is little data: how to estimate design variables in poorly gauged basins", 28 October - 8 November 2019 ››
Big Data in the life sciences, 21-23 October ››
Overview of PhD / postdoc courses August - September 2019 ››
Overview of recently announced PhD / postdoc courses ››
Upcoming Events
PhD Symposium Innovations for sustainability: Tackling water and climate change-related challenges, 10-11 October 2019 ››
SENSE symposium: 'Innovative research techniques in Environmental Sciences', 11 October 2019 ››
KNM-WIMEK-WUR symposium: Nederland na(ar) 2100: een ruimtelijk perspectief voor versnelde zeespiegelstijging en klimaatverandering, 18 oktober 2019, Wageningen (only in Dutch) ››
ESP10th World Conference: "10 years advancing ecosystem services science, policy and practice for a sustainable future", Hannover, Germany, 21-25 October 2019 ››
Overview of upcoming events ››
Job vacancies
Vacancies at SENSE Partners ››
SENSE headlines
PhD Symposium Innovations for sustainability: Tackling water and climate change-related challenges, 10-11 October
KNM-WIMEK-WUR symposium: Nederland na(ar) 2100: een ruimtelijk perspectief voor versnelde zeespiegelstijging en klimaatverandering, 18 oktober 2019
Welcome back from your summer holidays! In the coming academic year we will organise some nice SENSE events for you.
We start with the yearly SENSE Symposium on Friday 11 October 2019 at ITC Enschede. The idea of the yearly symposia is to bring the SENSE community together; so you are all invited to come and see what your fellow SENSE members are up to. Or better yet, present your research yourself! The focus this year will be on innovative research techniques in environmental sciences. Big data, machine learning, high speed cameras, sensors, drones, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and e-DNA, are examples of new research techniques, enabling new innovative research methods in environmental research. This symposium will present current PhD and staff research projects using these innovative techniques and will show the new horizons for environmental research. Participation is free, but registration is required. For more information and registration, click HERE.

One week later, on 18 October 2019, the WIMEK Graduate School will organise a symposium “Spatial adaptation perspectives for the Netherlands after the year 2100 in response to climate change and accelerated sea level rise” in close collaboration with the WUR environmental alumni organisation. The participants will evaluate and assess the robustness of technological scenarios and nature based solutions for one and a half and more than six meter sea level rise during “design sessions”. The target group for this symposium are researchers and Dutch professionals in this field and therefore the medium of communication is Dutch. For more information click HERE.

Last but not least, the SENSE introductory course A1 will be organised again from 23 – 25 October 2019 in Apeldoorn. All SENSE PhD candidates are strongly advised to do this course in the first two years of their PhD trajectory. So, if you didn’t do it yet, grab your chance and register HERE now for the next A1 course.  
Johan Feenstra
WIMEK / SENSE Coordinator

KNM-WIMEK-WUR symposium: Nederland na(ar) 2100: een ruimtelijk perspectief voor versnelde zeespiegelstijging en klimaatverandering

De zeespiegel stijgt ca. anderhalve meter tot het jaar 2100 en wellicht 6 – 10 meter in de eeuw(en) daarna. Kunnen we nog droge voeten houden? Welke consequenties heeft dat voor de ruimtelijke inrichting van Nederland? Welke gebieden geven we op en welke gebieden blijven we beschermen?

Tijdens dit symposium staan de volgende vragen centraal:
  • Wat zijn de meest recente inzichten in de te verwachten zeespiegelstijging als gevolg van klimaatverandering op middellange (jaar 2100) en lange (jaar 2300) termijn?
  • Wat zijn de consequenties van de verwachte zeespiegelstijging voor de ruimtelijke inrichting van Nederland (stedelijke ontwikkeling, landinrichting, landbouw, natuur, regionaal waterbeheer) en wat kunnen natuurlijke concepten ("nature based solutions") hieraan bijdragen?
  • Welke maatschappelijke weerstand kunnen we verwachten bij deze ingrijpende ruimtelijke veranderingen en hoe kunnen we een gezamenlijk veranderingsproces realiseren in nauwe samenwerking met alle betrokken maatschappelijke groeperingen?    

 Lees meer  ››

Upcoming PhD Graduations
Overview of PhD graduations upcoming period
  • Astrid Hendriksen
    Meaningful stakeholder involvement in decision making processes on sustainability issues
    17 September 2019, Wageningen University, Environmental Policy
  • Christine Ornetsmüller
    Advancing the Representation of Human Dimensions in Large-scale Land Use Models – Case studies for Laos
    20 September 2019, VU University Amsterdam, Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), Spatial Analysis and Decision Support / Environmental Geography
  • Juan Carlos Chacon Hurtado
    Optimisation of dynamic heterogeneous rainfall sensor networks in the context of citizen observatories
    24 September 2019, IHE Delft, Hydroinformatics

  • Yujia Zhai
    Nano shapes micro: impacts of metallic nanoparticles on microbial communities
    25 September 2019, University of Leiden
  • Alexander Jose Kaune Schmidt
    The value of using hydrological datasets for water allocation decisions: earth observations, hydrological models and seasonal forecasts
    27 September 2019, IHE Delft

  • Oscar Osvaldo Marquez Calvo
    Advancing robust multi-objective optimisation applied to complex model-based water-related problems
    1 October 2019, IHE Delft, Hydroinformatics

  • Mariana Rodriguez Arredondo
    (Bio)electrochemical recovery of ammonia from urine
    4 October 2019, Wageningen University, Environmental Technology
  • Tesfay Gebretsadkan Gebremicael
    Understanding the Impact of Human Interventions on the Hydrology of Nile Basin Headwaters, the Case of Upper Tekeze Catchments
    8 October 2019, TU Delft
  • Sarahi Nuñez Ramos
    Assessing biodiversity responses to changes in climate and land use
    9 October 2019, Wageningen University, Environmental Systems Analysis

More upcoming graduations ››
Upcoming courses and discussion groups
R and Big Data, 26 - 27 September 2019
The aim of the course is to help experienced R users to tackle the problems they face when analyzing big data sets. The course will consist of a mixture of lectures and computer labs (in a ratio of approximately 60/40), so there is plenty of time for hands-on exercises.
Advanced Short Course on "Where there is little data: how to estimate design variables in poorly gauged basins", 28 October - 8 November 2019
The aim of the course on is to provide an advanced theoretical understanding and hands-on practical methods to cope with the estimate of hydrological variables in poorly gauged basins.
Big Data in the life sciences, 21-23 October
This course is to introduce participants to techniques for comprehensive data analysis of big data and to integrate heterogeneous data sets in order to extract relevant information for elucidating the living system. The course is modular and focuses on data generation, mining, analysis, data integration, and visualization.
Overview of PhD / postdoc courses September - October 2019
Overview of recently announced PhD / postdoc courses
In case you are interested in either participating or teaching a course that is currently not in the programme, please do not hesitate and contact us with your suggestions.
More upcoming courses ››
Upcoming Events
SENSE symposium: 'Innovative research techniques in Environmental Sciences', 11 October 2019

The SENSE research School organises the SENSE symposium: 'Innovative research techniques in Environmental Sciences' at ITC Enschede on Friday 11 October 2019. This SENSE symposium focuses on innovative research strategies and practices through cutting edge technology. Herewith, we would like to invite SENSE PhD candidates to present a pitch about your innovative research techniques and the application in environmental sciences for a broad SENSE audience.
Abstract submission deadline: 23 September
PhD Symposium Innovations for sustainability: Tackling water and climate change-related challenges, 10-11 October 2019
We are pleased to announce the PhD symposium 2019 scheduled for 10th & 11th October, 2019 to be held at IHE Delft, Institute for Water Education. This symposium will provide a unique opportunity for PhD fellows/students to present their research to the IHE community.
The theme for the 2019 PhD symposium is “Innovations for Sustainability”.

SDGs cannot be achieved without new ways to respond to the interrelated environmental, societal, and economic challenges we are facing today.
Overcoming these challenges requires us to think of innovative and smarter solutions that can have positive impact on sustainable development. 
ESP10th World Conference: "10 years advancing ecosystem services science, policy and practice for a sustainable future", Hannover, Germany, 21-25 October 2019

ESP is happy to announce that our 10th world conference will take place in Hannover, Germany from 21-25 October, 2019. It was in Germany that we first started our ESP conferences in 2008. Hence, we decided to celebrate our 10th world conference anniversary in Germany.

10 years advancing ecosystem services science, policy and practice for a sustainable future

The ESP10 conference locations are the Leibniz University for the opening day on Monday, and the Hannover Congress Centre for the rest of the conference.  
Overview of upcoming events
Recently announced:
Full list of interesting upcoming events:
See SENSE website ››
Job vacancies
Vacancies at SENSE Partners
More vacancies
During the month new vacancies are regularly posted on the SENSE vacancy page.

This newsletter is published by the
SENSE Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment.

If you have information that you would like to see included in the next SENSE e-News,
please use our contact form.