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SENSE e-News
Research School for Socio-Economic and
Natural Sciences of the Environment
SENSE e-News
    Newsletter October 2019
07 October 2019
Table of contents
SENSE symposium: 'Innovative research techniques in Environmental Sciences', 11 October 2019 - submission deadline closed
News from SENSE partners
Upcoming PhD Graduations
Overview of PhD graduations upcoming period ››
Upcoming courses and activities
Business Development Course, 15 & 29 October and 4 November 2019, Leeuwarden 2019 ››
A1 SENSE Introductory Course 23-25 October 2019 ››
Risk Assessment", 28 October-1 November 2019 ››
Overview of PhD / postdoc courses October - November 2019 ››
Overview of recently announced PhD / postdoc courses ››
Upcoming Events
SENSE symposium: 'Innovative research techniques in Environmental Sciences', 11 October 2019 ››
Conference Biodiversity next: Building a global infrastructure for biodiversity data. Together.
22-25 October 2019, Leiden ››
Overview of upcoming events ››
SENSE headlines
A1 SENSE Introductory Course 23-25 October 2019
PhD Symposium Innovations for sustainability: Tackling water and climate change-related challenges, 10-11 October - deadlines submissions closed
KNM-WIMEK-WUR symposium: Nederland na(ar) 2100: een ruimtelijk perspectief voor versnelde zeespiegelstijging en klimaatverandering, 18 oktober 2019
Young people are school striking for saving our climate and environment; concerned citizens across Europe are taking climate actions. And what about you?
Residents from the Amersfoort (NL) neighbourhood Soesterkwartier have taken the initiative to create a sustainable living environment. Concerned residents have united voluntarily in the association “Duurzaam Soesterkwartier”. The association aims for being CO2-neutral in 2030 by collectively taking action. They have been active for 10 years already and together with the active inhabitants of Soesterkwartier, they are committed to meet a dual objective of reducing energy bills and  implementing sustainable measures. At this point in time, the members of the association wanted to evaluate how much the actions have contributed to climate change mitigation.

The measures in Soesterkwartier on energy efficiency, sustainable energy production and sustainable mobility result in substantial CO2 emission reductions. In total over 10 years, approximately 15,000 tons of CO2 have been avoided and this contributes to reaching the Dutch goal of reducing emissions by 49% in 2030, as Wageningen UR international students (under supervision of Dr Bert van Hove, WU-WIMEK-SENSE) have calculated. Besides these emission reductions, the actions in Soesterkwartier have resulted in social, environmental and financial co-benefits.

What are you doing to save our climate? Be inspired and read a report from the WUR students here.

But do not strike; work hard for making our world better. Have a look at this Newsletter for news articles from partner institutes, graduations, courses and lots of events.
Fokke de Jong
Temporary editor for SENSE.

KNM-WIMEK-WUR symposium: Nederland na(ar) 2100: een ruimtelijk perspectief voor versnelde zeespiegelstijging en klimaatverandering

De zeespiegel stijgt ca. anderhalve meter tot het jaar 2100 en wellicht 6 – 10 meter in de eeuw(en) daarna. Kunnen we nog droge voeten houden? Welke consequenties heeft dat voor de ruimtelijke inrichting van Nederland? Welke gebieden geven we op en welke gebieden blijven we beschermen?

Tijdens dit symposium staan de volgende vragen centraal:
  • Wat zijn de meest recente inzichten in de te verwachten zeespiegelstijging als gevolg van klimaatverandering op middellange (jaar 2100) en lange (jaar 2300) termijn?
  • Wat zijn de consequenties van de verwachte zeespiegelstijging voor de ruimtelijke inrichting van Nederland (stedelijke ontwikkeling, landinrichting, landbouw, natuur, regionaal waterbeheer) en wat kunnen natuurlijke concepten ("nature based solutions") hieraan bijdragen?
  • Welke maatschappelijke weerstand kunnen we verwachten bij deze ingrijpende ruimtelijke veranderingen en hoe kunnen we een gezamenlijk veranderingsproces realiseren in nauwe samenwerking met alle betrokken maatschappelijke groeperingen?    

 Lees meer  ››

Upcoming PhD Graduations
Overview of PhD graduations upcoming period
  • Sarahi Nuñez Ramos
    Assessing biodiversity responses to changes in climate and land use
    9 October 2019, Wageningen University, Environmental Systems Analysis
  • Bastiaan Molleman
    Skimming the surface - A surface structural approch to understanding silver ion release from silver nanoparticles
    11 October 2019, Wageningen University, Soil Chemistry and Chemical Soil Quality
  • Thomas Minda
    Weather and crop dynamics in a complex terrain, the Gamo Highlands - Ethiopia: Towards a high-resolution and model-observation based approach
    30 October 2019, Wageningen University, Meteorology and Air Quality
  • Harun M. Kiruki
    Fuel at crossroads: the role of charcoal making in rural livelihoods, woodland change and ecology
    5 November 2019, IVM Institute or Environmental Studies 
  • Anna-Lena Deppenmeier
    Air-Sea Interaction in the Tropical Atlantic
    8 November 2019, Wageningen University
  • Peter Kalverla
    Characterisation of offshore winds for energy applications
    13 November 2019, Wageningen University, Meteorology and Air Quality

  • Gabriela Guimarães Nobre
    Floods, droughts and climate variability: From early warning to early action
    15 November 2019, Amsterdam (IVM-VU)
  • Paula Caroline dos Reis Oliveira
    The landscape drives the stream: unravelling ecological mechanisms to improve restoration
    20 November 2019, Amsterdam
  • Johanna Gutleben
    Ecological and biotechnical aspects of Aplysina-associated microorganisms
    21 November 2019, Wageningen University, Microbiology

  • Abias Uwimana 
    Rehabilitation of sediments and nutrients retention capacity in valley bottom wetlands
    28 November 2019, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
More upcoming graduations ››
Upcoming courses and discussion groups
Business Development Course 15 & 29 October and 4 November 2019
The Business Development Course supports you to turn your research and innovative ideas into value by creating a practical application of your knowledge into society. The course will be completed with a pitch session and the winner will be admitted to the Climate-KIC Greenhouse program including a grant of 2.500 Euro and additional business coaching worth 2.500 Euro.
A1 SENSE Introductory Course 23-25 October 2019
In the SENSE course 'Environmental Research in Context' several perspectives and approaches to analyse and to solve environmental problems are discussed. You will find out how your own research project fits within other (multi-) disciplinary approaches and you will discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of your approach compared to these alternatives.
Risk Assessment", 28 October-1 November 2019
Toxicological risk assessment is the process of estimating the qualitative and quantitative health risks posed to man and the environment by the use of chemicals. The aim of this course is to familiarise participants with the general procedures followed during a toxicological risk assessment. Emphasis will be laid on the identification of hazards and risk posed to humans and the environment
Overview of PhD / postdoc courses October - November 2019
Overview of recently announced PhD / postdoc courses
In case you are interested in either participating or teaching a course that is currently not in the programme, please do not hesitate and contact us with your suggestions.
More upcoming courses ››
Upcoming Events
SENSE symposium: 'Innovative research techniques in Environmental Sciences', 11 October 2019

The SENSE research School organises the SENSE symposium: 'Innovative research techniques in Environmental Sciences' at ITC Enschede on Friday 11 October 2019. This SENSE symposium focuses on innovative research strategies and practices through cutting edge technology. Herewith, we would like to invite SENSE PhD candidates to present a pitch about your innovative research techniques and the application in environmental sciences for a broad SENSE audience.
Abstract submission deadline Closed
Conference Biodiversity next: Building a global infrastructure for biodiversity data. Together, 22-25 October 2019, Leiden
Biodiversity_Next is a conference that brings together, for the first time at this scale, major international organisations, research scientists, and policy makers to jointly identify socio-technical bottlenecks and horizon-scan opportunities around data-intensive biodiversity and geodiversity research.
NWO Talent Scheme Information Meeting (Veni, Vidi, Vici), 8 November 2019
NWO organises information meetings for researchers who want to apply for a Veni, Vidi of Vici grant. Practical information is given and selection committee members, NWO secretaries and researchers who have already acquired a Veni, Vidi or Vici share their experiences during a question and answer session.  
The Talent Scheme has three types of grant for different phases in a researcher’s scientific career of researchers: Veni (recently gained PhD), Vidi (experienced) and Vici (professorial level). The aim of the Talent Scheme is to facilitate innovation in science. Talented, creative researchers receive the opportunity to do their own research and with that to qualify for a next step in their career.
Overview of upcoming events
Recently announced:
Full list of interesting upcoming events:
See SENSE website ››

This newsletter is published by the
SENSE Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment.

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